Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Results Are In!

The phone rang this afternoon at 3:11.  The call display said that it was the surgeon, but we were not expecting to hear from him for several more days.  My lymph nodes were both clear and he was able to get a large enough clear margin around original cancer site!  The news is still pretty surreal, but it is starting to sink in.

The past 10 weeks have been quite the adventure.  We have learned so much and are thankful for every step of what we've been through.  In all things, God is good.

I'll keep posting thoughts and updates to this site.  Feel free to keep reading, I'm planning on being around for a while. :)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Quick Update

One week after surgery and recovery is continuing to go well.  After a brief return to the hospital for a post-surgery infection, I'm on the mend again.  If you're wondering where to find Victoria's nightlife...check the ER at Royal Jubilee!

Since arriving home 5 days ago, I have spent the majority of my time asleep on the couch.  I've had a few visitors, which has been great.  Now that I'm off the T3's, I can tell when I have real visitors and when they are part of my dreams.  Was Bono really here?

I know we've said this before, but we really can't say it enough.  Thank you to everyone for your love and support.  Your assurances of prayer, the meals that have been delivered, and the incredible displays of friendship have meant the world to us and our family.  We have been extremely well cared for.

We should get test results back toward the end of next week.  We are praying that the surgery was successful and that there is no further spread.

There are a few new pictures at http://bdkerrpics.blogspot.com for those that are interested.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Recovering well

Well, the surgery is done! I'm recovering well, thanks to excellent post-op care and a healthy dose of T-3's :). Having the surgery in Victoria, a truly beautiful city, I felt a little like a dog who was being tricked into going to the vet...come on boy, it will fun..wanna go for a ride!!

My surgery day went very quickly (for me anyway). I arrived at nuclear medicine at 10:20 to receive a series of radioactive dye injections just below my right eye. After being injected, I was put into a very small machine where I lay for about 2 hours. There was about 1 inch between my nose and the roof, and, of course, the itching started early. The technician watched the screen the whole time, tracking where the dye traveled. When it reached its destination, I was marked with a couple 'x's, then taken up to the surgical ward.

I said goodbye to Roz and my parents at that point, and then changed into my hospital gown. I'm getting pretty good with those now, so there were no major incidents. A very fast-talking (but wonderful) nurse explained what I should expect after I woke up. I met the surgeon, who explained a few more details, then was wheeled to the OR. It was like a surprise party in there! The room was packed with people and equipment. They lifted me from my bed to the operating table, and started the IV. I woke up in the recovery room a few hours later. After a couple more hours of dozing, I was taken to my 'room'...one wall and three curtains to be exact.

Roz and my parents visited with me for about 30 minutes, then I was ready to sleep again. A shot of morphine and I felt like I was at the Westin! I was discharged the next morning and am currently being waited on hand and foot by an amazing team. Thanks Roz, mom and dad!

We were uncertain of the extent of the surgery prior to the injection of the dye. I ended up having my parotid glad (main saliva gland) and 2 lymph nodes removed. The surgeon also took a wide margin around my original cancer site to minimize the chance of future spread. The lymph nodes will be examined for cancer cells. We will have the results in a couple of weeks. The 2 major risks of the surgery were blindness (the incision is through my eyelid) and facial paralysis. So far, things are looking good (literally!), but I have no feeling in the surface of my right cheek or ear. With the number of stitches I have, that's actually quite a blessing :). The surgeon said that this would most likely be the case and that we'll know that if it is permanent after a few weeks.

Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers, we truly felt them all.

I posted some pre and post op pictures for those that are interested. They are rather 'medical', so viewer discretion is advised.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010


As the way I look will change soon, I've been thinking a lot about the concept of identity. My driver's license expires shortly after my surgery and I intended to go and get my new photo taken ahead of time. I've decided not to. My identity, both inside and out, is being shaped by this experience. I think I am better for it. My picture ID will represent who I will be going forward. To take the picture now would be a denial of an identity that will be forever changed.

I was talking recently with a good friend who recently lost his job. We had a good talk about the value of savoring our trials. Not dwelling in them, but savoring them. Learning from them. Deliberately letting them shape and contribute to our identities. Times like these will shape and contribute to identity no matter whether we're intentional about it or not. By savoring the experience, we can influence how we are shaped. I did not choose to have cancer. Now that I have it, however, I can either despise it...or I can use the opportunity to experience emotions and insights that may not have come had I just kept moving through life at its regular chaotic pace. Both approaches will shape me, and both will shape those around me. My prayer is that we'll all grow and learn through this.

To all of you that have supported us over the past couple of months, we thank you so very much. I'm not sure where we would be without the incredible provision that has come through our work, church, friend, and family circles. We have been fed, prayed for, had renovation services donated, and loved beyond comprehension. Thank you is not enough, but thank you.

We travel to Victoria this afternoon. A family friend has blessed us by providing accommodations until Sunday. My parents will be there, which we are also extremely thankful for. Roz will not need to be alone while I'm in surgery. I will arrive at the hospital (Royal Jubilee) tomorrow morning (Thursday), and will be in surgery until late afternoon. Hopefully I'll be discharged sometime on Friday and we'll stay in Victoria until Sunday. I'll post an update as soon as possible. See you all soon!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Medical Update

Happy New Year! 10 days until surgery, but it still seems surreal. There was a moment when reality hit on January 1 though. Roz and I returned from a wonderful visit with her family in Ontario, which had always been a milestone toward going into hospital. In planning out the Christmas season, I often thought 'we get back from Ontario, then I go into hospital the next week'. Picking up our bags from the carousel seemed to set the whole thing into motion. There is a lot to do before January 14th, so I'll have plenty to keep my mind off of things.

Before Christmas, I saw an oncologist who confirmed that there were no other troublesome areas on my skin. There was an odd spot, but it washed off ;). It's a huge relief to know that we only have to worry about the existing area for now.

Tomorrow I have my pre-op appointment. Is it a good idea to check weight right after Christmas?!