Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Results Are In!

The phone rang this afternoon at 3:11.  The call display said that it was the surgeon, but we were not expecting to hear from him for several more days.  My lymph nodes were both clear and he was able to get a large enough clear margin around original cancer site!  The news is still pretty surreal, but it is starting to sink in.

The past 10 weeks have been quite the adventure.  We have learned so much and are thankful for every step of what we've been through.  In all things, God is good.

I'll keep posting thoughts and updates to this site.  Feel free to keep reading, I'm planning on being around for a while. :)


  1. Thank you God! ~love Roz

  2. Praise God! He is so good!
    I love you both so much, and I'll continue praying for you :)
    Love, Cousin Ellen

  3. I am so happy!!! Thank you, God (who I almost just typed as "doc", strangely...)! Can't wait to see you in person!

  4. That's great news. We prayed for you at my work's prayer group.


  5. Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord;
    let us shout aloud to the rock of our salvation.
    Let us come before Him with thanksgiving
    and extol Him with music and song.

    Praise the Lord!!!
    We are SO HAPPY to hear this wonderful news!!
    love, Auntie Gwen

  6. This is WONDERFUL news, Brian & Roz! Thank you for sharing your journey with us. Your transparency and your faith have been so inspiring.
    In His love,

  7. WEll now you will get to out-wear the coat that Roz bought for you!! When I read your entry about the coat I was reminded of Joseph and the special coat his father gave him. Little did he know it would nearly cause the death of him. But in the end, God used it as part of a bigger picture to put Joseph in a position of leadership in Egypt so he could play a tremendous role in saving the lives of countless Israelites. Brian, Roz, your strength and dependence on God is such an encouragement to many who are blessed to share their lives with you. I am PRAISING our creator for hearing and answering our prayer for your health and recovery. This journey was as you set it out to be: for His glory. Praise Him! To Him be the glory!
    With love,
    Trish Stobbe

  8. Tremendous tidings !! Thinking of you both with heartfelt fondness from Kensington Crescent....Jim Boyd

    ~Rom 8:38-39

  9. So grateful (with YOU) to the Lord!!! What a rich journey you both have/are on. May God continue to Shepherd you as only He can and WILL!



  10. great news brian!! all the family in thunder bay send our love out to you & roz!!

    love, jocelyn

  11. Ah, yes. The tears come, dear friends. God is good!! We are so grateful with you and praise our Father in heaven for His great mercy. Thank You, Lord! Our love to you both and much joy as you (& all of us on the journey with you!)celebrate this wonderful news. Love, Lauren & Jon
