Wednesday, January 13, 2010


As the way I look will change soon, I've been thinking a lot about the concept of identity. My driver's license expires shortly after my surgery and I intended to go and get my new photo taken ahead of time. I've decided not to. My identity, both inside and out, is being shaped by this experience. I think I am better for it. My picture ID will represent who I will be going forward. To take the picture now would be a denial of an identity that will be forever changed.

I was talking recently with a good friend who recently lost his job. We had a good talk about the value of savoring our trials. Not dwelling in them, but savoring them. Learning from them. Deliberately letting them shape and contribute to our identities. Times like these will shape and contribute to identity no matter whether we're intentional about it or not. By savoring the experience, we can influence how we are shaped. I did not choose to have cancer. Now that I have it, however, I can either despise it...or I can use the opportunity to experience emotions and insights that may not have come had I just kept moving through life at its regular chaotic pace. Both approaches will shape me, and both will shape those around me. My prayer is that we'll all grow and learn through this.

To all of you that have supported us over the past couple of months, we thank you so very much. I'm not sure where we would be without the incredible provision that has come through our work, church, friend, and family circles. We have been fed, prayed for, had renovation services donated, and loved beyond comprehension. Thank you is not enough, but thank you.

We travel to Victoria this afternoon. A family friend has blessed us by providing accommodations until Sunday. My parents will be there, which we are also extremely thankful for. Roz will not need to be alone while I'm in surgery. I will arrive at the hospital (Royal Jubilee) tomorrow morning (Thursday), and will be in surgery until late afternoon. Hopefully I'll be discharged sometime on Friday and we'll stay in Victoria until Sunday. I'll post an update as soon as possible. See you all soon!


  1. Your prayer that we will all grow and learn has blessed me. I have absorbed your words on Sunday and in this blog and they have changed me and shaped me.

    I pray that you will feel completely covered in prayer over the next few days and that you will feel God's love and peace.

  2. Brian, we are all praying for you and are truly Blessed by your faith & strength.
    We love you,
    Uncle Pete, Aunty Des & family.

  3. Brian, I just want to let you know that I'm praying for you. May you know the 'peace that surpasses human understanding' tomorrow and beyond. Thanks for sharing so openly.
    - Emily

  4. You are in good hands. (Not just the surgeons'). Anesthesiologists would probably differ with me, but I have always felt that being put out involves moving away from this world and approaching closer to God's (not that this world isn't his, also, but you know what I mean...) as our physical selves and sense of control fade away. I am praying that you will find comfort in being in his hands and releasing that control yourself.

    Bless you,

  5. Hello guys,

    I know that God is with you at all times! I look forward to hearing how you both are doing.

    Love ya,


  6. Brian,

    Our office prayed for you, and I am upholding you in prayer constantly.

