Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! May you experience the peace of Christ as you celebrate His birth. I was reminded of the power of Christmas at our church's Christmas Eve service this year. While we often read of Christ's birth in the Gospels, it is a tradition in our church to read the account recorded in Revelation. I didn't realize that there was a version of the Christmas story in Revelation, but there is. It has a dragon. Read Revelation 12 for a description of what was happening in the spiritual realm while Mary and Joseph were posing for your Nativity set. Our pastor reminded us that the entrance of Christ to the world was a battle cry. It was a call to fight against injustice. To fight against all that is evil. To fight for compassion. And the weapon? An innocent and gentle child. Interesting.


  1. Brian,
    We just finished a series at our church on Revelation and it was tied into Christmas as well. Interesting that you had the same! I am praying for you and Roz. Thanks for your words in this blog. You are an incredible person. Blessings to you both.
    Jacky Huberts

  2. Merry Christmas Brian! We too had a sermon on the Christmas Story in Revelation, and how if children heard this version once in a while, their eyes might light up with the same interest as when they watch a Star Wars movie. We are indeed all in a battle -whether we want to acknowledge it or not. The only difference is we don't need to wait to find out who wins!

  3. Wow, I have never been shown nor thought of this connection before. I agree, more powerful imagery than Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and Harry Potter.
